We support you during every product phase
The prime aim of Simeto are intense and longterm customer relationships.
Our most important customers are well-known from automotive, machine and device construction, medical technology as well as from the wide field of the electronic and electronical branch, active both in Europe and worldwide.
Our customers require and value our reaction flexibility to their production cycles.
Customer orientated warehousing and corresponding logistics allow us to also deliver with Kanban system.
- Customer request -> examination of technical documents, parts list, samples, circuit diagram
- Feasability analysis – optimization management
- Calculation -> offer
- Co-development – technical support
- Sample construction with initial sample inspection report
- Modification indexmanagement
- Fixed contact person
Materials management
- Order management
- Global sourcing
- Delivery date tracking
- Digital parts management
Logistics - Supply Chain
- PPS: serial production - precise manufacturing planning
- Capacity analysis
- VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
- Set up of client access if desired (EDI..)
- Safety stock as desired
- Various logistic concepts (KANBAN, consignment warehouse)
- Increase of efficiency by using ERP system
Quality assurance / standardization
The quality of our processes and products has a decisive importance.
The primary objective of the company constitutes intensive and sustained customer relationships. The main customers are partly globally active market or innovation leaders of the diversified electric-electronics industry, mainly from the sectors of automotive, medical technology, machinery and apparatus construction, household appliance technology, measurement, regulatory and control technology as well as industrial electronics.
Our reaction flexibility to the production cycles of our customers is particularly in demand and valued.
Our integrated quality assurance system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 guarantees a high level of quality assurance through all of our work processes. An environment management system pursuant to DIN EN ISO 14001:2004 has been in operation since 2014.
In addition, the scope of testing is coordinated together with the customer and carried out and documented according to the specified quality level.
Corresponding testing systems / testing computers are available, which can be adapted with various cable systems. For example, crimps are checked in the grinding marks laboratory.
CNC-controlled assembly machines as well as an experienced, qualified and long-tenured employee workforce ensure a consistently high level of product quality.
The following standards are applied among others:
- The following standards are applied among others:
- DIN EN 60352-2 Crimped connections
- DIN 46237 Crimp-type cable socket
- IEC 60352-7 Spring clamp connection
- DIN EN 60352-5 Press-in connections
- DIN EN 60352-3 Solderless electrical connections - solderless accessible insulation displacement connections
- DIN EN 60352-4 Solderless electrical connections - solderless inaccessible insulation displacement connections
- DIN EN 60352-6 Solderless electrical connections - insulation piercing connections
- Spec. GfW no. 005 Soldered connections, manufacturing instructions for the production of reliable, manually soldered electrical connections
- IPC-A-610 acceptance criteria for electronic modules
- IPC/WHMA-A-620B Requirements and acceptance criteria for cable and wiring harness modules
- IEC 60335-1 Enhanced domestic appliance standard
- DIN EN 62137-3 Assembly method for electronic modules
- DIN EN 60512 Measurement and test procedures